Friday, January 7, 2011


Well, the first week of January has come and gone.  Can you believe it?  School has had its ups and downs, but really, I have no complaints.  Well, maybe one.  Schools are a breeding ground for germs. I know this is not news to you, but still...yuck!  Each day on the way to the lounge for lunch I see two or three little kiddos laying on the nurse's bed.  Rosie cheeks, sniffles, coughs, and teary eyes.  It's a phenomenon, I think.  Really.  We can send a man to the moon, cure horrible diseases, send millions of gigabytes through wireless spaces~but, we cannot cure the common cold, or stop schools from becoming a cesspool for bacteria (or...make a coffee carafe that doesn't spill)!

Sure, we teach the little darlings to cover their mouths when they cough, throw away their used tissues, and wash their hands after using the restroom.  Really, though, we have no control.  Millions of tiny bacteria are collecting (and breeding) on door handles, pencil sharpeners and desktops.  So what does this mean to us teachers?  Well, we stock up on cold medicines, Kleenex, chicken noodle soup and hot tea (some of us may add a favorite libation or two).  And, we pray that we have enough sick days stored up for the cold winter months.

I've been lucky so far.  I made it to Friday with only a migraine.  I'm crossing my fingers that my commitment to exercise, my new regime of vitamins, and the fact that I actually got my flu shot this year, will keep the sicknesses at bay. 

Oh, don't forget the wine...I think that helps too (Korbel Cabernet, 2007).

Stay healthy,

~Cab Lover


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. ummm, nice blog. Sorry the little 'darlings' make you (and me) sick...


  3. It's ok...just par for the course! They can't help it. Here's to a healthy 2011~ Thanks for supporting my blog!
