Saturday, March 19, 2011

Spring Break!

I cannot believe it is Spring Break already!  I'm not complaining, it's just that I don't know where the year has gone.  I still have so much to many teachable moments to take advantage of!  Yesterday I had a 'to do' list at work, and I promised myself I would not leave until every entry was crossed out.  This break, I got smart...and made sure that cleaning and other such mundane tasks did not make it on 'the list'.  Well, at 3:50 I still was not done.  Ugh.  Not to worry though, as I bribed my colleague to do my 'Kiss-n-Go' duty so that I could keep working.  What a gal (thanks, Elisha)!  And so, at 4:15, I packed my bags and headed (skipped, really) out the door.  Ahhhhhhhhhhh....what a great feeling!  Not just because I knew that the Caribbean was only 24 hours away (insert celebratory cheering and screaming), but also because I left the building having completed 'the list'!  When I return in two weeks (yes, you read that right, TWO WEEKS) I will have brand-new, crisp white progress monitoring spread sheets for my kiddos.  AND, I have a well-thought out revised & improved schedule (I think this is my 4th or 5th one) that I'm sure will be THE one that works without one Iota of conflict (say a little prayer for me...)!

So, as I sit at the airport waiting to board my Caribbean Cruise bound plane (that doesn't take off for another four hours), I am sporting a sly little grin.  I'm feeling rather proud of myself.  I know that when I return from break I will be refreshed.  Eager to try out the best schedule ever!  Eager to spend the next 8 weeks learning along side my kiddos!  Eager to show of my new tan (hopefully).

For all my teacher friends out there, enjoy your break!

Bon Voyage! (I love people watching while sipping coffee)

~Cab Lover