Friday, February 4, 2011


Grrr....seriously?  Did that mom really just speed through our icy-covered, Kiss-n-Go lane?  Did she really pass 10 other cars, who by the way were there first, and scream at her child to get out of the car and CROSS A LANE OF TRAFFIC?  Yes.  She did.  And she almost hit me, and numerous children, in the process. But wait, it gets worse.  This poor child did not get out.  Thank goodness. This infuriated her mother.  I could hear this woman screaming at her child inside the SUV.  She was apparently furious that her daughter, who is in 1st grade, would not get out.  This little girl, bless her heart, knows and obeyed our Kiss-n-Go rules.  That can't be said of her out-of-control mother!  In her maniacal state, this woman zoomed by me and pulled her car over (blocking a lane) and jumped out of the car.  Still screaming, she grabbed her daughter and not-so-gently 'helped' her out of the car.  Then she had the audacity to tell her sweet little girl to 'have a great day, honey'.  Seriously?  Ugh...I can feel my blood pressure rising just talking about it. 

I have crosswalk duty three days a week.  For the most part I enjoy it.  It is nice to get to greet the kids and wish them a great day.  Most parents are nice.  Some are simply cordial.  But some are just down right rude.  That makes me angry.  That makes me want to do not-so-nice things with my STOP sign. 

And today, oh man was I upset.  I just cannot fathom what could possibly be so important that you would risk your child's safety, and the safety of others, just so you could be on your way.  Can someone help me understand?  Can you explain this to me?  The passive-aggressive side of me hopes that this woman might read this blog and feel just a tad bit sorry for her behavior.  But then again, I don't think people who act this way tend to recognize their faults. 

My heart aches for that little girl.  My blood boils for that mother.  My stop sign quivers when I see these senseless acts of reckless behavior.  Maybe I need to demand hazard pay!

I think I just needed to vent.  However, if any of you have any suggestions (legal or not) on how I can handle this in the future, I'm happy to hear them.  Please, comment away.  For now though, I'm going to curl up on the couch with my hubby, sip a glass of wine, and watch a movie.

Enjoy your weekend (Francis Ford Coppola~Rosso 2009)!

~Cab Lover


  1. the parking lot at school drives me crazy! i don't understand why everyone can't take a breath, and be PATIENT! i pray that it doesn't take a needless accident to make people follow the rules! i'm so grateful you are looking out for the kids in the morning! you're the best!

  2. I wonder what would help this problem. I have seen it at all the schools I have ever worked at.

    Was the 1st grade girl upset?
