Sunday, December 19, 2010

Out of the mouths of babes...

Well, I did it again this year.  I woke up on Friday (the last day of school until Jan. 3rd!!!) with a bad attitude.  As a teacher, these days are always dreaded.  Valentine's day, Spring break, Halloween, Fall break, Christmas...they are all the same.  The kids are wired and the teachers are tired!!!  We teachers, force ourselves from the comfort (and safety) of our warm beds, and somehow muster up enough energy and courage to go to school.  It's not a pretty sight.

But then, and this is what I always forget, something magical happens.  The kids surprise you!  The little boogers say or do something so kind and sweet that they make you feel like the Grinch on steroids!  On this Friday, I cried more than once and was reminded just what it is that makes me come back each day.  It is, after all, not about me...but about the kids.  It was the card I got from Lindsey that simply said, "I love you Miss Marci, I love you still."  Or the hug (and kiss) I got from Jackson.  Or watching Christian help Ms. Elisha put on the necklace he gave her.

These are the things I cherish.  These are the kids I cherish.  This is why I teach!

Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Here is a link to our family Christmas card:

~Dessert wine tonight (Korbel Port, 2009)

Cab Lover


  1. First let me thank you for telling your story. It's an important one. Too many people are totally ignorant about the American Education System and especially about the American Educator. I, of course, have seen what you do first (and second)hand. I applaud you and your peers for what you do, for the thanklessness of your job, and for withstanding the scrutiny of those who "know not of what they speak".

    Second, is this blog gonna raid the entire wine cellar!?!?!?!


  2. Thanks, Matt, for the kind words. Teachers know all to well that this can be a thankless job. But, I like to remind myself that it is not about me, but about the kids I teach. When I have this mindset, thanks from others is not as important. But, I am human, and it is nice to receive accolades from time to time. So, thank you for taking the time to comment. Thanks for recognizing what it is we do everyday...and thanks for your unconditional support! And, can expect our wine cabinet to dwindle...significantly!!

  3. Really cute Christmas card!

    I do have a wee bit of an issue with your intro. at the very top. After 9 years of teaching I still do Yellow Tail:) I always tell my students, "It's not about quantity, but about quality." When it comes to wine after a hard day I usually reverse that saying! Shhh, don't tell the kids.

    Merry Christmas,

  4. Stephanie,

    Your secret is safe with me. And, really, I'm not a wine snob...just know what I like now :-) I have nothing against Yellow Tail...well, maybe a little!
