Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve Blessings

It's Christmas Eve and I have so much to be thankful for!  Four of our five children are home for the holidays.  And although our daughter and new son-in-law are not able to be here, they are with us in spirit.  This year was different from past years but proved to be just as wonderful. 

A few years ago Matt and I decided to begin a new family tradition.  Because the kids were getting older, we decided that we would go out for a nice Christmas Eve dinner.  We enjoyed good food, great company, deep conversation, and that special ambiance that you only find during Christmastime (and no dishes to clean).  For three or four years we have dinned in some very nice restaurants...this year, however, things are a bit tighter and we decided that we would cook at home.  The December issue of Food and Wine inspired our holiday fare...Slow Roasted Pork Loin with Molasses and Balsamic Glaze; Herbed New Potatoes; Gingered Green Beans; Wedge Salad with Caramelized Pecans; and for dessert, Dulce de Leche Layer Cake!

Needless to say, Matt and I spent the entire day cooking, cleaning, and decorating.  It was work, but we both enjoyed it and savored the time spent together in the kitchen.  I still don't get what is happening to me...I don't cook.  I don't bake.  And yet, I have spent hours and hours in the kitchen this break and have enjoyed every moment.  I have a new love for cooking. A new confidence and sense of accomplishment that I have not experienced in a long time.  I would be remiss, however, if I didn't mention that I also have the company of my wonderful husband, who by the way, is an incredible cook!

As we labored in the kitchen, the kids did their own thing.  I forget how comforting it can be to have so much noise and commotion around me.  The boys discussing serious scientific topics (and on occasion the topic would turn to girls), while the girls were busy playing Guitar Hero (which is extremely loud I might add).  It was nice though, and I know I will miss it when our house is quiet(er) once again.

We sat down at the table and said thanks for all that we have and praying for those who are struggling, ill, or less fortunate.  The dinner was delicious, but nothing compared to the conversation.  We took time to enjoy one another. We took turns recalling happy times and favorite memories of Christmases past.  We laughed, and cried.  We remembered and looked forward. We celebrated...

It's Christmas Eve, and I have so much to be thankful for.  Here is wishing you and yours a joyous Christmas.  May it be filled with love, happiness, good food and wine...and maybe a little chaos!

We opened our most expensive bottle of wine tonight~ (Kendall-Jackson Raptor Peak Cabernet, 2007)

~Cab Lover


  1. Beautiful dinner (and post). Merry Christmas to you (sounds like a heck of a bottle of wine too!)

  2. The dinner was fabulous! Wine...even better! Merry Christmas...
