Friday, February 11, 2011

Lunch Date!!!

As you know, this has been a bumpy week.  Full of meetings (and one inquisition), testing, and really, really cold cross-walk duty!  Weeks like this make it easy to gripe and forget the really important stuff.  I am guilty of that.  I have been telling four of my RR students that we would soon have a celebration~that was two weeks ago.  Fortunately (for me, not for him), only one little guy remembered that I had said it.  It was getting to the point where I would try not to run into him because I just could not stand to look at his beautiful little face and tell him once again that no, the 'party' wouldn't be today.  Heartbreak...guilt.  Bad teacher moment.

So, yesterday, I told myself "this is the day."  Nothing would stop me.  I was incredibly busy and had so much to get done.  But that is true of everyday.  Yep, it HAD to happen today.  I was not ready for a 'party'.  I had not come bearing gifts.  Hopefully though, the kids would be okay with that.

Soon after the bell rang and the kids were somewhat settled, I went into their classroom and whispered in their ear..."would you like to have lunch with me today?"  Their reaction was nothing short of pure delight!  They were so excited!  I was so relieved!  Still, I was a bit worried that they would be disappointed at the lack of fan fare.  But kids are amazing that way, aren't they?  They seem to find joy in the smallest of pleasures.

At lunchtime, we walked together to the cafeteria to pick up our rubber cheeseburgers, then headed back to my room.  It was then that I realized that these four little ones were giving me a gift, not the other way around.  Just being able to be in their little world for 25 minutes was awesome.  They were not guarded.  They did not have to perform for me.  They were carefree and jovial.  They talked about pets, X-Box, iPods, DS games...and yes, of course boogers and various other bodily functions :-).  I didn't say much at all.  Just listened and savored those few precious moments.

I am so glad that I didn't allow some menial task get in the way of my lunch date on this day.  I almost wish that I could have lunch with a few kids everyday.  But maybe that would take away some of the magic.  Who knows.  All that matters I guess, is that today, four little first graders welcomed me into their world.  And however brief it was, it was pure heaven.  I hope they invite me back soon!

Enjoy your coffee...I'm enjoying mine (Boyers~Rocky Mountain Thunder est. 1865)

~Cab Lover

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