Sunday, January 23, 2011

Living in a Petri Dish


Have I told you lately that I love teaching?  I really do!  Each day brings a new challenge, a lot of love, some enlightenment, and...Germs.  Lots and lots of GERMS!  Someone told me yesterday that teaching, at least being around kids all the time, is like living in a Petri dish.  Ugh.

We had a professional development day on Friday.  It was awesome.  I spent the entire day sharing and learning from others.  I was so excited to come home and put some of my new learning to work.  Planning.  Researching. Rearranging my schedule.  Instead, I was out of my work clothes (jeans and a t-shirt...after all it was a non-contact day), and into my jammies by 5:30 p.m. 

Okay.  Well, I can work from the couch, right?  As long as I was sitting up (I couldn't breathe lying down) I could function.  I was able to show Matt how to use Google Docs to create  a survey for his detectives at work.  Google Docs is awesome, and in fact the Google Doc session on Friday was fabulous!  I plan to use it as a progress monitoring tool.  Anyway, I was able to work a bit on Friday night.

Somehow, overnight, my sinuses were filled with cement.  I couldn't breathe, and therefore, couldn't sleep.  When I did happen to dose off, I guess I snored so loudly that I shook the room!  Still, my sweet husband stayed in our bed and tried to comfort me.  Thanks, baby! 

It's Sunday now.  Still can't breathe.  The cold medicine that I have been taking (much to my dismay) no longer has any affect.  None.  I have to breathe out of my mouth so I sound much, much worse than I feel.  And, tomorrow is Monday.  The day I was to put all of my new wisdom to work.  Hopefully, as long as I remain in an upright position, I will be able to be somewhat productive.  I just hope that my heavy mouth-breathing doesn't freak out the kids.  If it does though...paybacks are a booger (pun intended)!
Decisions, decisions...

Goodbye, DayQuil...I'm going to go try a Hot Toddy now (with Crown Royal)!

~Cab Lover

1 comment:

  1. I don't know if it will cure a cold - but I'd take the medicine on the left. You may still feel bad - but you just won't care!!

    Love you - feel better, now!!!

