Friday, December 31, 2010

Ringing in the new year...

Photo by my husband, Matt!
So, here we are, Matt and I, alone in the house.  A rare occasion.  And what did we do?  We cleaned our closet and are contemplating baking something!  On New Year's Eve.  Did I mention we are ALONE in the house???

I'll be back soon...

Whew!  I feel better now.  :-)

2010~ A year full of love, compromise, heartache, joy, laughter, tears, and more love! Here are some of my favorite memories:

My first protest in Washington, DC
Watching our daughter get married
My first year as a Reading Recovery Teacher
Overhearing one 2nd grader to another, "You have a smokin' hot bod!"
Catching a GIGANTIC sturgeon!
Snowshoeing for the first time
Hiking Bryce Canyon with my awesome husband (and falling in love all over again)!!
My candy apple red KitchenAid
The joy of walking with our dogs (Jake, our black lab lost about 15 lbs.)!
Beginning to look at life through my (new) camera lens!
Attending the Blue Man Group show (AWESOME)!
Walking on the beach in Oregon
Receiving 2 (yes, TWO) cases of wine for Christmas

I am thankful for the meaningful relationships I am lucky enough to share. I cherish the time I spend with my family, my friends, and my students. 

Here's to 2011~ Korbel Riesling Champagne, 2008


  1. What great memories and observations...thanks for sharing!!!!

    Happy New Year

  2. 2010 was a good year...but I know 2011 has GREAT things in store.

    Happy New Year!
