Sunday, May 15, 2011


Just as I was about to begin blogging tonight, a friend sent me an email containing several quotes. Ironically, one of the quotes held such relevance.

We are not made for the mountains, for sunrises, or for the other beautiful attractions in life - those are simply intended to be moments of inspiration. We are made for the valley and the ordinary things of life, and that is where we have to prove our stamina and strength.                     Oswald Chambers

Well said.  I was going to begin my post with...'Only 4 more Monday's,' but Oswald says it much more eloquently!  

There are only three weeks of school left.  Crazy.  Bitter-sweet.  Intense.  It is becoming more and more difficult to keep thoughts of summer from creeping into my head while at school.  I find myself daydreaming about our upcoming trip to Nicaragua, or thinking about the garden we are hoping to cultivate with some success this season.  As I strive to keep my summer musings at bay, I also struggle not to panic.  I have so much left to do.  Assessments. Paperwork.  Scheduling for next year.  Paperwork.  Oh, ya...and teaching. 

I believe the kids are feeling much the same way, at least it would seem so by their behavior.  They are a bit more restless and unmotivated.  I imagine their thoughts are on baseball, swimming pools, and warm evenings playing in the cul-de-sac with friends.  Can't blame them.

So, how do we muster the energy, and more importantly, the focus to sustain us until June 3rd?  How do we, as Oswald says, make it through the valley and the ordinary things of life? Where do we find the stamina and strength?  For me, ironically, I look to the same source that can be so draining; the students (and teaching in general).  I focus on how far they (we) have come in just a short time together.  I revel in their curiosity, innocence, and honesty.  I celebrate successes and ponder the challenges of teaching.  It always amazes me how kids can do that.  How they can unknowingly change ones perspective and outlook.   

The year is not over yet.  There is still much to do.  And I know that just like every other year, I will find the stamina to finish strong.  And I know that its okay to let the occasional 
thought of Nicaragua and home-grown tomatoes take my attention away for a moment or two.  

Cab Lover~
(2008 Coppola Claret)

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